Computer consultations- We’re teaching how to use computers and programs like Office also with software for blind people.

Cooking- We’re teaching blind people to cook.

Hand made jewelery workshops-
We organized jewelery workshops for the ladies combined with presentation how they can present their works in the internet.

English Café
Each week we organise English consultations (basic level) and English conversations (intermediate). If you want to develop language skills, broaden your horizons and meet new people, we are waiting with a cup of coffee in our English Café!


W ramach aktywności projektowych „Networking for improvementindependency and entrepreneurship to disadvantagedwomen” w biurze Fundacji Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego prowadzone są szkolenia komputerowe. Beneficjentki chwaląszkolenie oraz pełen profesjonalizm prowadzących. Szkolenie pomogło w rozwoju ich niezależności oraz podniesieniu kwalifikacji.  Poniżej kilka zdjęć.


As part of the project activities „Networking for improvement of the independency and entrepreneurship to disadvantaged women” in the office of the Institute for Regional Developementcomputer trainings are conducted. Beneficiaries praise the training and full professionalism of the instructors. Training helped to develop their independence and improve their qualifications. Below are some pictures.