
Damian Kiss – graduate of Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Master of Cultural Studies. Since 3 years has been working in FIRR in projects aimed to increase the competences which help people with disabilities fully participate in the education, open labour market and social life. Trainer in activities of daily living, healthy cooking coach, coordinator of trainings and awareness raising courses. Responsible for projects’ recruitment, contact with beneficiaries and direct support.


Jan Gubiec- graduate of theological and pedagogics studies, worked as a volunteer in center for mentally disabled people, school educator, assistant to persons with disabilities. Volunteer in Foundation Institute for Regional Development, responsible for contact with beneficiaries and direct support.


Justyna Gruszecka: Hi. My name is Justyna. I graduated from International Trade and I’ve recently started working in a prosecutor’s office. I’m a woman, I’m a mother.


Kazia Przędzik: Hi. My name is Kazia. I live in Kraków and I’m a proud grandmother of four grandchildren. I’m a woman who wants to do something in her life..


Gosia Etryk: Hello. My name is Gosia. I’m interested in folk medicine and cooking. I hope that my participation in workshops will help me to develop my future career.


Joanna Czudecka – graduate of The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Bachelor of Childcare and School Counselling Pedagogy. Specialist of support for persons with disabilities in FIRR. Active in projects aimed to increase the competences which help people with disabilities fully participate in the education, open labour market and social life. Trainer in activities of daily living, healthy cooking coach, coordinator of trainings and awareness raising courses. Responsible for projects’ recruitment, contact with beneficiaries and direct support.